Dear aka,
This is a courtesy message to remind you that your web hosting subscription for plasticdreams.org will be automatically renewed within 15 days of the end of your hosting term. Your hosting term is currently set to end as of 2009-mm-dd. No action is required of you at this time.
To avoid any possible loss of service, please be sure to update all billing and contact information in your profile.
If you prefer to renew manually, renew early, or make other payment arrangements, please contact our billing department.
Thank you,
BlueHost.Com Support
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カテゴリーはバインダー/ファイル,tag は付箋/ポストイット
大分前, skype で kohaku さんと話してた時にタイトルのような発言をした記憶があります。それに答えて kohaku さん曰く,“縦断的と横断的だね“。
from [トラックバック歓迎] ユーザ(閲覧者/訪問者)は本当にタグを使っているのか – Odysseygate.com