Month: Jul 2007

4. Jul 2007 /

Mer­cedes-Benz Mixed Tape vol.18

Mer­cedes-Benz Mixed Tape のニュースレターより引用

The cream of the crop: Mixed Tape 18 with 10 all-time favour­ites from the pop­u­lar com­pil­a­tion series

All good things come to an end – Mixed Tape 18 will be the last com­pil­a­tion in its cur­rent guise. To sweeten the blow, we have com­piled a very spe­cial best-of edi­tion fea­tur­ing 10 high­lights from our well-stocked archives – avail­able free of charge at .

A delect­able dis­til­late of our most prom­ising tal­ents, Mixed Tape 18 throws a spot­light on Nor­way (R&B sing­er Kristin Hild), New Zea­l­and (dub pro­du­cer Tubbs remixed by legendary com­pat­ri­ots Fat Freddy’s Drop), Ger­many (pop won­ders Wag­n­er Love) and the UK (singer/songwriter Bev Lee Harling) to cel­eb­rate the wealth of young artists around the world who pur­sue their own visions.

And while this trip to the past marks the end of a pop­u­lar format, it paves the way for future innovations.
Join us in the for­um to dis­cuss the next gen­er­a­tion of Mixed Tape, sched­uled for an autumn relaunch.

Enjoy the mix!

Your Mer­cedes-Benz Team

Mixed Tape serves as a plat­form for prom­ising new tal­ents who deserve our recog­ni­tion and sup­port. So, if you enjoy our tunes, please for­ward this news­let­ter to your music-lov­ing friends!

2. Jul 2007 /

Word­Press Plu­gins & Tutori­als: Your Pick Word­Press についての知識やプラグインの情報を集めるんで是非ご協力を,という感じの企画。一段落ついたらしいので本文訳した方が良いかなあ.…。 コメント/とラックバックも含めて冗談になってない数のプラグインが紹介されているので(私もコメントしました)プラグインジャンキーとしては見逃せません。